Keeping progress of huge wordlists with fuzzing tools like wfuzz, THC Hydra & Patator using tcpdump and grep


One of the non-trivial tasks when dealing with bulky wordlists like rockyou.txt is that tools either can not handle them, or the ones which can, do not usually have a progress bar to keep track of how far the current wordlist has been exhausted.

In this post I’ll be providing a quick copy-paste one-liners and explaining the methodology on how to implement an improvised progress tracker with tools like hydra, wfuzz and patator. In my example I will be using patator as it has no limitation on resources and I like to use it when I need to go > 100 threads (for refernce hydra supports up to 64).

Continue reading “Keeping progress of huge wordlists with fuzzing tools like wfuzz, THC Hydra & Patator using tcpdump and grep”

HTB: Networked walkthrough

“Networked” Info Card  
Slight hint(s): Unrestricted file upload, bypass image upload restriction, bypass mimetype restriction
Slight hint(s) (PE): shell command injection, unescaped variable command injection
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Haystack – walkthrough

This is a walkthrough on the machine called Haystack on, which most users found frustrating and/or annoying. Personally I would describe it more as a kind of annoying box, and although rated as easy my personal opinion is at least the Privilege Escalation part should be falling a bit more into the intermediate category. cat >> /etc/hosts <<<“ haystack.htb”
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OSCP – the road from failing to 105

Introduction to my OSCP Journey

Although this post is mentioned to be an overall overview and resource on how to prepare for OSCP, it is kind of targeted to those who didn’t manage to pass on their first attempt. As I am one of those guys too, and that made me make the necessary adjustments in my learning process. There are tons of reviews on OSCP regarding someone getting the certification after their first exam, and I am not one of them. Yes, I failed it. And do I regret it? Hell no. I dedicated to it and learned tons of stuff since my first exam attempt, and this post will be pointed towards those who failed their OSCP exam attempts and what to stress on when preparing how to successfully achieve the requirements for the OSCP certification.
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CTF: Pinky’s Palace v2 (HARD) – vulnhub CTF walkthrough

VM: Pinky’s Palace v2
Author: Pink_Panther (vulnhub) @Pink_P4nther​​ (twitter)
Series: Pinky’s Palace
Difficulty: Beginner/Intermediate
Privilege Escalation: Intermediate/Highly Advanced*
Target IP:
Target host: pinkydb

* requires reverse engineering techniques to escalate privileges
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CTF: Brainpan 1 CTF walkthrough – Introduction to exploit development (Part II)

Part I: Brainpan 1 CTF walkthrough – Introduction to exploit development

Phase #5: Getting a stable shell

As it can be seen from the screenshot, an unexpected event has happened – we are actually provided a windows prompt, however the overall file structure seems to be linux-like: Continue reading “CTF: Brainpan 1 CTF walkthrough – Introduction to exploit development (Part II)”

CTF: Brainpan 1 CTF walkthrough – Introduction to exploit development (Part I)

Difficulty: Beginner/Intermediate
IP: (arp-scan -I vmnet1 –localnet) If you were looking either for a walkthrough on the Brainpan 1 vulnhub CTF or for a tutorial/article to serve as an Introduction to exploit development you clicked on the right link.
Continue reading “CTF: Brainpan 1 CTF walkthrough – Introduction to exploit development (Part I)”

CTF: Homeless – vulnhub CTF walkthrough – keep Trying Harder!

This is a walkthrough on the CTF written by Min Ko Ko (Creatigon, l33twebhacker) and posted on vulnhub on 6 Dec 2017

Target: Like the author states, This challenge is not for beginners. It requires advanced knowledge in several fields which a beginner would not be able to solve unless thorough research is done. Initial hint: The user agent that needs to be set is included on the front page, but you would not be able to see it in plaintext. Continue reading “CTF: Homeless – vulnhub CTF walkthrough – keep Trying Harder!”